Thursday, May 6, 2010

And it continued...

So, after my first two tries at makeup I was feeling that improvement was happening already and that if I just kept it up I could be doing sexy looks in no time! The posts I'd placed on facebook were encouraging and some of my loves that I'd been admiring for years began sending me links to the "Gurus of YouTube" that had helped them out in their learning.

My first experience was with "The Accidental Beauty" a gorgeous girl who is quickly making a name for herself on YouTube. She did a review of the "Lash Stilletto" that was linked on my friend Aja's review of the same product. She had a nice look and a link to a tutorial, so I tried following it, but I didn't have the right colors (that's the first look I tried) I thought that I could get away with using 3 shades of blue, but it just looked like a simple dark to light gradient.

My next experience was with "Makeup Geek", recommended to me by my friend Decca who said she found her tips to be extemely useful, which I can see why! Makeup geek is this gorgeous girl who is super helpful in her approach to explaining techniques to the most inexperienced girls (or guys) and laying it out how it is. I followed her techniques on "defining the outer v" and doing "Smokey Eyes" and really learned a lot, she's got some brilliant tutorial videos that make it easy for any girl (with the right colors of course).

So then my sister gave me a few more brushes and colors, I purchased some tweezers, primer, and eyelash curlers so that I could try and work a bit more with this... I tweezed (which was super needed, I'm sure you noticed) and was ready for more...

My friend Taia (who is just superbly gorgeous and has always had an eye for the perfect makeup shades) linked me a bunch of girls on YouTube who I've checked out two of now, first was KANDEE JOHNSON I really can't say enough about Kandee, she is brilliant and I find her tutorials to be ridiculously fun and easy to follow! Define your eyebrows just got super simple, smokey, cleaning your brushes, ugh! She's just amazing! Anyway, I decided to try out her PINUP GIRL LOOK next and I was just blown away by how simple it was and how hot the results were!

Cheesey Pics, I know, but I wanted to demonstrate it as Ebony (whose wig is just very "pin-up-esque")

The look was so easy to follow and I totally recommend it because it makes you feel stupid pretty! I'll be doing more of her tutorials in the future for sure.

Another link from Taia was "The Current Custom" she's a very strange and sarcastic girl. Don't get me wrong, I do like her. She kind of frightened me at first though, I thought it was strange that she liked a "messy look" and that she didn't want to follow rules of makeup, that just sounded weird to me (I was wrong! I love what she does!) I decided that she looked cool enough, so randomly chose a tutorial to follow... "Everyday Smokey Look" freaked the hell out of me "I'm just going to use the sponge applicators for this one" WHAAAAT? But I decided to follow the guidelines set and, well, I was wrong again :P

Obviously ignor the hair and the fact that I'm a boy with stupid thin uppler lip and you should see the prettiness there! YAY! I've got a bunch more YouTube channels to go through (and it looks like Aja just sent me more) oh dear... oh dear... so much to do :P

My next post will outline my goals for this blog :D


Aja said...

I LOVE your pin-up look!! It suits you very well - RAAAAAAAR ;-P Very becoming, hehehe. Oh, Ebony is learning makeup tricks left and right!

I'm so impressed with your makeup journey and lofty goals! And I am in love with your blog - I think it's wonderful!! Keep up the good (and sexy) work, my love!!! <3

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